What if you have made progress learning English as a foreign language but don’t have all the mountain climbing gear to get over walls and get up steep slopes to where you can spell words.  You may have learned spoken English and can speak and converse to your satisfaction, but feel like a fool when you try to write it.

But who is the fool? This is not your fault.  English spellng is a muddled mess of stupidities.

There are workarounds and helps from technology but they do not address the fundamenal problem.

  1. If you’ve tried speech recognition programs to convert your voice to written text, well, you know, that can create more problems than it solves because it may not understand your voice, or little bits that every foreign speaker has might throw it off. Just leaving out one little word can throw off the probability tables that speech recognition uses to aim for accuracy.  If you have a cold or speak one of the common languages that spread nasal tones from consonants to vowels, all bets are off.  So much can go wrong and you quickly find that it does.
  2. Sorry for your troubles too if you’ve thought you could rely on spelling correction in your word processor.  You may have said to yourself that you’ll just make some guess at spelling so it can correct you.  This is logical but the nature of spelling corrector technology and the massive number of word similarities in English mean that this approach  will frustrate you and waste a huge amount of your time.
  3. More optimistically, if you are wealthy, you can just hire someone to spell out the words from a tape recording that you make.  This can actually work, but what a poor solution if it costs a lot when a free method is available.

So what to do?  Simply go back to first principles of linguistic science for the optimum solution engineered to be effective on many levels.

CRESS is the useful solution for all foreign language speakers,  but especially for speakers from Asian and nearby countries (Vietnam, China, Korea, Cambodia, India, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar) where the European alphabet may not be used.

CRESS is a highly optimized scientific system to write English in a regular and consistent manner just as it sounds without all the mess that standard English spelling is known for.  If you can say a word, you can write it or read it.  No irregularities, just a complete absence of funny business.

You learn a simple system where each sound is always written with the same symbol.  It uses the same symbols as all roman alphabets, meanng most European languages.  You quickly pick up which sound each letter corresponds to.  The system uses three extra arrow symbols, <> and ^, to create great simplicity: one spelling for each sound.  The arrows are for simple tongue adjustments to relate a sound to similar nearby neighbors.  This means that using CRESS to spell also guides you to correct pronunciation.  Yes, learning to spell and learning to pronounce are unified and combined.  Pronunciation of the sounds of English (phonemes) is built into the CRESS system for spelling words.

Here are the advantages of CRESS to foreign language speakers of English:

  1. CRESS is perfectly regular while still using the English alphabet familiar in so many European languages.
  2. You write each word in CRESS simply as it is pronounced, not sunk in the mess of English spelling.
  3. If you can say a word you can spell it in CRESS. No puzzles.
  4. If you write in CRESS, our software will translate it to standard English spelling for you.
  5. If you have something written in standard English spelling, our software will translate it to CRESS for you.
  6. Learning and using CRESS will automatically move you to better pronunciation, since awareness of the sounds of English, and how they are artculated, are built into the CRESS process.  In summary, learning to write and read words has habits of pronunciation built into the system at the basic levle.
  7. When our software translates from standard English to CRESS, that provides you with the basics of pronunciation to improve your spoken English.
  8. If you write in CRESS using just your pronunciation, and create longer texts, our software will translate your text into standard English spelling just as if you had written it that way. You could speak the sections of your thesis, so to speak, for example, and get it translated to standard English by software.
  9. Language learning is fastest in a verbal environment where people speak to each other without reading or writing. So many people learn great amounts of the English language from personal interactions but this does not provide reading and writing abilty.  Now, with CRESS, any foreign speaker can use the pronunciation of words they know to read and write English.
  10. Everything CRESS offers is boosted, multiplied and accelerated by the CRESS software to automatially translate standard English to CRESS, and vice versa.

Asian (and nearby nation) speakers can benefit especially from CRESS since they are coming from a language that has not historically used a roman alphabet.  If a Chinese speaker approaches the English alphabet, CRESS is an advantage since it offers the opportunity to couple the learning of pronunciation with the learning os spelling, reading and writing.